Our Newest Additions

Our Newest Additions

A Little About the Paros

This past June 27th, our twin girls were born! It was an amazing time and we are daily reminded of how incredibly blessed we are to be their parents. We are super busy taking care of two but wouldn't have it any other way!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Redeeming Our Time

One thing we want to do as a couple is to redeem the time we have left prior to having a child join our family. We were talking and trying to brainstorm what those things are... what will we not be able to enjoy as easily once our new child comes? Help us by sharing the things you miss being able to do. We will do them for you! :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Paperwork...Almost Done!

Well, today I had the joy of getting a physical. Rhett needs to be fingerprinted and then we are pretty much ready to mail our paperwork in. Things have gone well and we are looking forward to the next stage. After this, we have our home study. Our social worker comes to our home and checks it for safety issues. We will also have our personal interviews based on our self-study. Then it is profile time. Those of you that love scrapbooking...this would be heaven for you. I have to make multiple books about our lives and families. I am dreading it but maybe many of you can inspire me with your creativity.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Overwhelmed with Encouragement

It seems like every day the Lord provides a blessing or word of encouragement. So many people say they are excited for us, they want to buy blankets, or they are checking the blog to stay connected. Rhett and I are so lucky to have so much support from friends and family. The exciting part hasn't even come yet and we are being loved on, thank you.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dine and Donate @ Mary's Pizza Shack

Mary's Pizza on Marlow Rd. is hosting a Dine and Donate for us on Monday, May 17th. Bring in our flyer and give it to the server and 20% will go to our adoption fund. Hope to see you there.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Fruit of our Labor

Wow, last night was so fun. Thank you to those of you that were able to come help make the blankets. I think we got around 10 made. What a blessing. Thank you for being involved and supportive of our adoption. Thank you just isn't enough.

Monday, April 5, 2010

What a day!

Rhett and I got on the road at 6:00 AM. We did well except for missing two exits and some slow drivers that drove Rhett crazy. We had a wonderful time with our social worker. I think she was surprised at how quiet we were. She said the interview was going fast. We did not know if we were suppose to expand on things or not. At the end she said we were good canidates for birth moms. I guess over the years she learns what birth moms look for. For example some like the fact that we don't have any children, we have never been married before, and that we are young. It was interesting that lots of birth moms like adoptive moms that are teachers! Score for me.... I knew this would pay off some time!

We got our next set of paperwork...all the legal stuff (DMV records, marriage certificates, birth certificates, fingerprinting, CPR certification...). Oh the joys.

Once we were over an hour on the road, we got a call from our social worker. We left all the paperwork in the office. In all of the excitement of taking a picture, I left the paperwork! Ugg! Oh well, the Lord has a plan for even that.

We got stuck in crazy traffic on 580 and sat and crawled for over half an hour...that was not so fun. By then we were both so tired and sick on being in the car. We had to not speak to each other for a little while due to our crankiness. Rhett had an eye apt. @2:00. We were late and I sat in the car for an hour while he had his eyes checked out. What a long, crazy day.

Once we got home, Rhett and I slipped into bed to take a quick power nap. He said something funny... "We are only cranky when we don't get enough sleep." I found that intersting since we are pursuing adoption and we all know you get no sleep with children around. We will have a lot to learn and many ways to depend upon the Lord.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Interview Day

Tomorrow Rhett and I head to Modesto for our intake interviews with Bethany. I guess they do individual interviews with each of us and then an interview together. We have no idea what to expect or what will be asked. We shall see how it goes!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

blanket making party

We had our first fundraising meeting this morning at one of my favorite places... Starbucks. I had three friends willing to take on the endeavour with me. Thank you Shaylene, Kari, and mom.

Our first objective... a blanket making party! If you are available on Tuesday, April 6th @ 6:30 we will be pumping out blankets. It will be held at my parent's house. Let me know if you need directions.