Our Newest Additions

Our Newest Additions

A Little About the Paros

This past June 27th, our twin girls were born! It was an amazing time and we are daily reminded of how incredibly blessed we are to be their parents. We are super busy taking care of two but wouldn't have it any other way!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Fruit of our Labor

Wow, last night was so fun. Thank you to those of you that were able to come help make the blankets. I think we got around 10 made. What a blessing. Thank you for being involved and supportive of our adoption. Thank you just isn't enough.


  1. Hi Julie! We are so excited to hear that you are starting the adoption process through Bethany! Christine and Kim Hall shared the news with me recently. We would love to know how to buy one of your blankets! Are you on facebook?
    Krista Hembree

  2. I am on facebook actually. I will ask Christine to recommend you as a friend.Once we are friends :), you can see the blanket options on my facebook page. Thanks for your reply.
