Our Newest Additions

Our Newest Additions

A Little About the Paros

This past June 27th, our twin girls were born! It was an amazing time and we are daily reminded of how incredibly blessed we are to be their parents. We are super busy taking care of two but wouldn't have it any other way!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Abundantly Above All We Asked and Expected

I am numb, in a good way, as I sit here and write. I cannot believe all that God has blessed us with. On Monday, April 4th, Rhett and I met with birth-parents. As we walked into Mimi's Cafe, we felt a peace and our interaction was comfortable. We enjoyed getting to know them and felt a connection right away. We walked out an hour and a half later so excited for what God might bring our way. We heard from our social worker later that day. She confirmed that things went well and that the birth-parents were going to take a couple days and would get back to us soon.

Today, April 7th, while eating lunch at a dear friends house, I got the call. Come June we will be the proud parents of twin girls. It is still so unreal. The whole day has been filled with phone calls, texts, and reading sweet comments on Facebook.

We have just been truly overwhelmed at the love and support we have been given. During the times of waiting, I had people telling me that the waiting was killing them and they weren't even the ones adopting. I had friends who told their friends and they had their families praying for us. It has been so humbling to be loved and prayed for as much as we have. Thank you all so much for your excitment, tears, prayers, and support. We are truly blessed to have you a part of our lives and our two young ladies will be also.


  1. i'll post here too. i have been thinking so much about you guys...thanking God for his gifts to you! twins jules! twins. cried and cried happy tears last night.

    bask in it. in God's rich, abundant love shown to you in giving you these two babies, these two souls.

    love you!

  2. Julie - I am so very excited for you and Rhett! God is amazing and those two little girls will have a wonderful set of parents. We have been praying much for you (and will continue to do so) and it is exciting to watch God work and provide! How deep the Father's love for us - how vast beyond all measure! Exceedingly abundantly beyond what we could ask or imagine - wow two precious little ones! Love you both! Just smiling as I write!

  3. Congratulations! Twins, so amazing! God is so good. :-)
